KIA Online Service Booking | Kia UK Limited

Book Online

Please, type your registration and postcode and press continue

Book Online

Let us know a little bit about your vehicle

{{ vehicle.CombinedMake | lowercase }} {{ vehicle.CombinedModel | lowercase }}

Existing KIA Care service plan detected

We have detected that your vehicle has a pre-existing service plan.

Please, book your service in the normal way.

Please, type your registration and press continue

You have entered an incorrect registration please try again or for more information please contact your dealer on: {{ followUpCentreTelephone }}

This booking cannot be edited.

For more information please contact you dealer on: {{ centreAftSalPhone }}

We are just processing your booking.

This will take us a few minutes so please try again soon.

Book Online

Please, type your registration and last name and press continue

You have entered an incorrect registration or last name please try again or for more information please contact {{booking.CentreName}} on: {{ booking.CentreBokPhone }}

Booking Details

Booking: {{ booking.BookingRef }}

  • Customer Details

  • Name {{ booking.CustomerFullName }}
  • Company Name {{ booking.CustomerLastName }}
  • Email {{ booking.CustomerEmailAddress }}
  • Tel {{ booking.CustomerTelephone }}
  • Mobile {{ booking.CustomerMobile }}
  • Address
    {{ booking.CustomerAddress1 }}, {{ booking.CustomerAddress2 }}, {{ booking.CustomerAddress3 }}
  • Town/City {{ booking.CustomerAddress4 }}
  • County {{ booking.CustomerAddress5 }}
  • Post Code {{ booking.CustomerPostCode }}
  • Date of birth {{ dateOfBirth }}
  • National Insurance Number: {{ booking.CustomerNationalInsNum }}
  • Driving Licence: {{ booking.CustomerDrivingLicense }}
  • Vehicle Details

  • Vehicle Make {{ booking.VehicleMake }}
  • Registration {{ booking.Registration }}
  • Vehicle Model {{ booking.VehicleModel }} {{ booking.VehicleVariant }}
  • Current Mileage {{ booking.CurrentMileage }}
  • Location & Date And Time

  • Dealer Name {{ booking.CentreName }}
  • Address {{ center.Address1 }},
    {{ center.Address2 }},
    {{ center.Address3 }},
    {{ center.Address4 }},
    {{ center.Address5 }},
    {{ center.PostCode }}
  • Date In {{ dateIn }}
  • Date In {{ dateIn }}
    {{ timeIn }}
  • {{ booking.CalendarName }}
    {{ booking.CourtesyInsuranceName }},
    {{booking.CourtesyTransmissionType}} Transmission
  • AutoPoint Lockers Request
  • Services

  • Included

  • {{ stndService.Price | currencyFilter }}

    Price on request

  • {{ optService.Price | currencyFilter }}

    Price on request


  • {{booking.CalendarName}} {{ booking.CourtesyInsuranceName }}

    {{ booking.CourtesyInsurancePrice | currencyFilter }}/{{booking.CourtesyCarDuration}}

  • {{booking.CostDescription}}

    {{ booking.CalendarItemCostPrice | currencyFilter }}

  • Dealer Note {{ booking.DealerNote }}

  • Other Services Price

  • {{ DMSServices.CustomDescription }}

    {{ DMSServices.MatchedServicePrice | currencyFilter }}

  • Additional Requirements

  • {{ additionalWork.Description }}

    1 {{ additionalWork.Price | currencyFilter }}

  • Special Offers

  • {{ offer.LongDescription }}

    {{ offer.LongDescription }}

    {{ offer.Title }}

    {{ offer.Quantity }} X {{ offer.Price | currencyFilter }}

    Price on request

  • iVHC Price

  • {{ ivhcWork.ItemDescription }}

    {{ ivhcWork.FinalPrice | currencyFilter }} Request Price *

  • Location & Date And Time

  • Dealer Name {{ booking.CentreName }}
  • Address {{ center.Address1 }}, {{ center.Address2 }}, {{ center.Address3 }}, {{ center.Address4 }}, {{ center.Address5 }}, {{ center.PostCode }}
  • Date In {{ dateIn }}
    {{ timeIn }} {{ dateIn }}
  • {{ booking.CalendarName }} Requested {{ booking.CourtesyInsuranceName }}, {{booking.CourtesyTransmissionType}} Transmission
  • {{booking.CalendarName}} Requested {{booking.CostDescription}}
  • AutoPoint Lockers Request


  • Valuation Request
  • Yes

Total Payable

Total Price {{ booking.FinalPrice | currencyFilter }}

{{ booking.CentreName }} will contact you to confirm requested price

Our online prices for MOT’s only include Class 4 cars. Any other vehicles are subject to a quotation from the service department. For more information, please contact the dealership on {{booking.CentreBokPhone}}



Subject to availability

If your vehicle is in for a full service we may need to keep it overnight